What sets us apart?
Our Database: 26,000 total patients are listed and 6,000 of them are currently active. This does not include the thousands of patients from our Sub-Investigators private practices.
Standard Operating Procedures are frequently updated, reviewed annually and as needed, SOP’s are in place for informed consent, staff training, drug accountability,and all other facets of operations.
Recruitment Experience With the help of our full time Recruitment and Retention Specialist we have seen tremendous success in meeting most, if not all of our study goals. Our database is the primary source for identifying candidates, followed by carefully planned advertising campaigns designed to target study and site specific demographics.
Committed to Quality Staff education and training are keys to quality research. Continuous quality improvement is an ongoing effort requiring staff involved in this commitment. Mandatory training meetings for study start up are required for all LCCR staff.
Free Parking & On Site access to Hospital, ER, pharmacy, and labs.
Spacious setting with dedicated monitoring area.